TAME EP announces that as of February 1, 2019, it will temporarily suspend its UIO-JFK-UIO route, according to the authorization issued by Resolution No. 05/2018 of the General Directorate of Civil Aviation.
In order that our passengers, have timely and complete information, we inform you about the following:
Refunds requested for affected tickets:
- Non-use tickets: 100% refund without charges for penalties and fees.
- Partially - use tickets: 100% refund of the non-use segment without charges for penalties and fees.
- For tickets booked through a travel agency, passenger must request any refund through the agency, where the ticket was purchased.
Voluntary changes:
- Passengers are allowed to change flight dates and itinerary options without charges for penalty and fees based on the availability of the airline.
Tame EP will proceed with the corresponding protection to passengers affected by this suspension according to Desici6n 619 CAN.
We appreciate your kind collaboration and we apologize for the inconvenience that this suspension can generate.
For support, you can contact us to the email address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.